Hey Guys, 

we are back with the new article, it's not a new topic as terraform is a very popular tool and widely used by many users and developers specifically DevOps developers. we will see how you guys install the terraform on the windows and use it very fast. Just need to follow the steps.
Let's begin ...

Step 1: Install the terraform binary to your machine. for that 

Go to this link https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/downloads and download "AMD64"

Install terraform

Step 2 : Extract that Zip file and create the a folder in C drive like "C:/terraform" & you need to copy and paste the terraform.exe into that folder that you just created the in C Drive.

Window terraform folder

Step 3 : You need to add the terraform to environment variable, for that search on the window search environment variable, you will the see following window & click on PATH and hit EDIT

Env varible windows screen

Click on Edit button and add a New path into that like the below screen "C:\terraform"

Terraform ENV

Final Step: Verify using the terraform command, Open Command prompt and type the command "Terraform"

Command prompt Windows terraform

You can use other command like "terraform --version, terraform init, terraform show, terraform validate" etc after that .

In the next article we will see how we can use the terraform to init and validate & execute the terraform.